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2/20/09 Electronics Recycling – Take Action now to support HB 1589

Lars Lawson

HB 1589 – Electronics Recycling Legislation This important issue needs your action now!

At 10am, this Monday morning, February 23, 2009, members of the Indiana House of Representatives will have the opportunity to vote in support of HB 1589.  This legislation received unanimous support from the House Environmental Affairs committee two weeks ago, and the IRC believes HB 1589 has sufficient momentum such that a truly impactful law could be passed this year.

To keep the momentum going, we need your help now to ensure that 1589, authored by State Representative Mary Ann Sullivan, makes it out of the House on Monday!

Let your State Representative know that you support HB 1589, because you are concerned about the growing problem of electronic waste and the urgent need for more and better electronics recycling programs in Indiana.

The Problem

Currently, only a very small percentage of electronic waste in

Indiana is being properly recycled.

  1. 1.2 million computers and TVs are discarded by Hoosiers annually.

  2. At least 4 pounds of lead is contained in each old computer monitor or television.

  3. There are at least 5 toxic materials found in today’s electronic devices.

  4. There are at least 8 serious health effects of these toxins.

HB 1589 will result in vastly improved electronics recycling infrastructure in Indiana.

How does HB 1589 help solve the e.Scrap problem?

HB 1589 places some responsibility on manufacturers of toxic electronic waste to establish electronics collection and recycling programs throughout Indiana.

In addition, this bill will help strengthen the electronics recycling infrastructure in Indiana, thus creating new green jobs.

Take Action Now

Please tell your State Representative that this bill is a win-win for Indiana’s environment and our economy.

Email your legislators over the weekend or call their offices on Monday morning before 10am, to express your support for HB 1589.

To confirm your State Legislative Representative, click here and type in your zipcode+four.

Or email your legislator this weekend.  You can find their email by clicking here.

Additional facts:

•    House Bill 1589 creates a market-based recycling program for electronic waste by requiring electronics manufacturers to register with the State and recycle a certain percentage of materials sold in Indiana each year.

•    E-waste recycling programs have been enacted in 18 other states.

•    E-waste is highly toxic and is the fastest growing waste stream sent to landfills.

•    House Bill 1589 is the culmination of extensive discussions involving interested parties in Indiana who have come together to craft language they all support.

•    It is important to note that NO products covered under this legislation are manufactured in Indiana.

•    The following groups testified in committee in SUPPORT of this legislation: Indiana Manufacturer’s Association, Indiana Recycling Coalition, Covanta Energy, Citizen’s Action Coalition, Waste Management, Hoosier Environmental Council, Indiana Chamber of Commerce, and the Sierra Club.

•    Every 1,000 tons of used electronics requires 15 jobs to recycle it — compared to only one job to bury it in a landfill — according to a 2003 report prepared by the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA).


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