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August 2012

Lars Lawson

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

In this issue

Food Waste Compost Meeting

Recycle-Bowl Competition

REVENT: Annual Fall Gala

New and Renewing Members

Energizing Indiana: Free Home Energy Assessment Benefiting IRCRe…branding!

Public Space Lend-A-Bin Program GreenTown Conference in ValparaisoSponsor Spotlight: Eli Lilly & Co.Upcoming Webinars

Upcoming Events


A Celebration of Recycling

in Indiana

NOVEMBER 17, 2012


Don’t miss a night of food, drink, networking and a silent auction with recycled artwork and much more!



MAY 14-16, 2013



Are you excited about

the important work

the IRC is doing?

Food Waste Compost Stakeholder Meeting

In October of 2011, the IRC launched a dialogue designed to bring interested parties together to advance food waste composting in Indiana. We have just scheduled the 3rd stakeholder meeting and you are invited!

At this meeting, we will discuss the status of food waste composting across the state. We will also explore the idea of a pilot project in central Indiana as well as provide a networking forum for businesses, community groups and others who are looking for partners to advance their food waste composting goals.

What: Food Waste Compost Stakeholder Meeting

When: Thursday, September 20, 9:30-11:30am

Where: Indiana Humanities Council Building, 1500 N. Delaware St (plentiful free street parking available)

We hope you can join us!

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Jonathan Allinson –

Recycle-Bowl Registration Now Open

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to increase school recycling participation in your community? Keep America Beautiful’s, second annual, “Recycle-Bowl,” is a comprehensive nationwide recycling competition for elementary, middle and high-school students.

Open to all schools, the incentive-based recycling competition kicks off again this October and registration is now open on the Recycle-Bowl website at The competition runs from October 15 through November 9, culminating around America Recycles Day. Participating schools will track and report how much recyclable material they collect for a chance to win prizes. At the close of the four-week competition, the school in each state that collects the most recyclable material per capita will win $1,000. A national champion will then be chosen from among the statewide winners to receive an additional grand prize valued at $2,500.

The Recycle-Bowl is being sponsored by Nestlé Waters North America.

REVENT: A Celebration of Recycling in Indiana

The historic arts venue will be the perfect host for this edition of REVENT, which will include a silent auction featuring recycled artwork and handmade products, dining and entertainment packages, and more.

Tickets are $70 for members, $90 for non-members and $30 for students. Tables of 10 are available for $650. Click here to register.

Welcome newest members of the IRC!

Listing in the “New & Returning Members” section is voluntary. The IRC does not share its membership list or member contact information.

Energizing Indiana: Apply for Free Home Energy Assessment and IRC Receives $25

If you are a home owner and your electric utility provider is IPL or Duke Energy, you can help the IRC raise money by simply applying for a free home energy assessment. A Home Energy Assessment from Energizing Indiana is a smart approach to improve the comfort of your home. An assessment can help raise your home’s performance, lower energy consumption, improve in-home air quality and increase your home’s value.

Click here to learn more about the program and to apply.


The IRC is getting a makeover! This summer, the IRC’s staff and board of directors have been working with the talented CODO Design team to rebrand the organization with a new logo and website to boot. CODO is busy putting the finishing touches on our new look, which will help us communicate the IRC’s mission and the work we do. Stay tuned!

Introducing the IRC’s New Lend-A-Bin Program

Blue is the new green! If you’re hosting an event, recycling is a great way to keep it clean and green. The IRC is happy to provide portable, beverage container recycling bins for your special occasion. These blue ClearStream bins have become synonymous with beverage recycling and aim to prevent contamination.

Our new lend-a-bin program is free for members–just another perk for supporting the work that we do. For non-members, there is a small fee of about $1/bin to help offset the costs of managing the bins and program.

GreenTown Conference in Valparaiso: 9/27-28

GreenTown: The Future of Community is designed to help create sustainable communities. Since 2007, mayors and other elected officials, city managers, public works directors, park district directors, planners, developers, builders, architects, landscape architects and engineers, school leaders – and many others interested in sustainable development – have gathered to hear inspiring speakers, learn from been-there case studies and discuss actionable steps to make communities more eco-effective.

We are excited to report that the IRC is facilitating a session about recycling and the economy.

Keynote speakers for Friday, September 28, will include: – Richard Jackson, M.D., Author, Professor of Health at UCLA and host of Designing Healthy Communities on PBS – Adrian Scott Fine, Director of Advocacy, Los Angeles Conservancy

For more information on the Valparaiso conference, click here.

Sponsor Spotlight

Eli Lilly and Company is Committed to the IRC and Environmental Sustainability

Healthy lives and a healthy environment. What we do today matters tomorrow. Lilly is committed to making medicines that help people live longer, healthier, more active lives. As part of that, we aspire to contribute to a healthy environment by thoughtfully incorporating environmental sustainability into our business.

From 2007 through 2011, we have made strong progress toward Lilly’s global environmental goals. Here’s a summary of our performance over the past five years:

  1. – Energy*: 17 percent improvement in energy efficiency

  2. – Greenhouse gas emissions*: 15 percent decrease

  3. – Water intake**: Nearly 33 percent reduction

  4. – Waste to landfill**: 66 percent reduction

More specifically, we have implemented several initiatives to eliminate, reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover waste throughout its drug development lifecycle. Efforts to recycle office waste (including paper, cans, bottles, and cardboard), compost cafeteria food and materials, and significantly reduce the amount of raw material used to make our products are just a few examples of initiatives we’ve implemented here in Indiana.

For more information on our commitment to environmental sustainability, visit:

*Lilly met or exceeded goal of 15 percent improvement by 2013 (2007 baseline).

**Using 2010 results as a baseline, Lilly set new goals of a five percent reduction in water intake and a 20 percent reduction in waste sent to landfills (with an ultimate goal of zero waste) for a two-year period, 2011-2013. This was done after meeting original water intake and waste to landfill targets of a 25 and 40 percent reduction, respectively (original 2007 baseline with 2013 target year).


Composting 101: What, Why and How with the US Compost Council

Date: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EDT

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:


In this webinar, we will introduce the art and science of composting, including;

1. Why compost? What are the benefits and challenges?

2. What can be composted? What can’t be? How do you get the stuff you want composted to the compost pile?

3. How does composing work? What is the biology of a compost pile? How do you manage the pile? What equipment does it take?

This will include a survey of composting methods, from the very small to the huge.

Panelists: Cary Oshins, Director of Education and Outreach, United States Composting Council; Dr. Robert Rynk, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Engineering Technology, SUNY-Cobleskill.

Busting Recycling Myths

Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Time: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM EDT

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:


National experts will bust some common recycling myths about plastics, recycling markets and single-stream recycling. Come prepared to learn some new and existing knowledge to take back to your own community and/or students and utilize in your own presentations.

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