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Lars Lawson

IRC 20th Anniversary Gala a great success!

Among the evening’s highlights were the awarding of the Bob Armstrong Volunteer of the Year award to Bob Armstrong, and the Fox Neltner Founders award to Janet Fox and Tom Neltner.  This was the inaugural year for both awards, and both will be awarded in the future to those striving to reach the high standards set by this year’s worthy recipients.

The meal was utterly delectable, created using organic, locally grown ingredients.  The meal was accompanied by beverages including wine grown at a winery that uses 100% solar power for its electricity and beer made by a company that has helped organize bottle recycling at local bars and restaurants so it can use more recyclable glass in its own bottles.

“Sarah’s Swingset” provided great dance music, and guests received seasonal treats from Endangered Species Chocolates and pens made from repurposed styluses courtesy of the Goldsmith Group.

Janet Fox, the IRC’s first Executive Director, had this to say about the event, “Thanks to EVERYONE at the IRC for an absolutely awesome GALA Saturday night! It was so much fun to see so many old and new volunteers and supporters who have worked with so much passion and energy to make a positive difference for the environment in Indiana’s homes, communities, state and beyond! I am so proud of you all… keep up the excellent work and here’s to the next 20 years!”.

Thank you to all who attended and supported this special event!

A lively cocktail hour!

Janet Fox, Robert “Bugs” Armstrong, and Tom Neltner

Bob Gedert, Executive Director, California Resource Conservation Association and Ed Skernolis, KAB Vice President for Recycling.

IRC Board Member Rudy Osenbaugh and her dance partner.

IRC staff!

Sarah’s Swingset

Representative Mary Ann Sullivan and IRC Executive Director Carey Hamilton

Carey Hamilton with Marty Seaman of Resource Recycling Systems and his wife, Karen.

IRC founding members Beth Bugbee, Tom Neltner and Janet Fox.

Carey Hamilton.

Five IRC Board Presidents: Tom Neltner, Jeff Miller, Terry Duffy (back)

Melinda Antell and Mitra Khazi (front)

IRC’s 2009-2010 Board of Directors.

Thanks to our generous sponsors for making this special event possible!



Ann M. and Chris Stack

Mark and Vera Vander Kooy



A special thanks to RESOURCE RECYCLING SYSTEMS for purchasing carbon credits to offset the environmental impact of this event!


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