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IRC’s Curb Your Carbon Footprint Video Contest Kicks Off America Recycles Day Activity in Indi

Lars Lawson

Prizes are as follows (there will be two of each prize, one for high school and one for middle):

1st Prize $500 2nd Prize $300 3rd Prize $200 Viewers Choice $250   

Participants must be at least ten (10) years of age and in one of grades six through 12.   Participants must reside and attend school in Indiana.  Videos must be no longer than thirty (30) seconds in total length.  There is no cost or purchase required to enter this contest.


Contest announced:                                   August 16, 2010 Entries due:                                              October 18, 2010 Viewers and panel judging:                         October 19 – 29, 2010 Viewers Choice YouTube Views counted:      November 1, 2010 Winners notified:                                       Week of November 1, 2010 Winners announced:                                   Week of November 8, 2010 Screening of winning videos:                       November 15, 2010



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