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Legislative Alert – HB 1589 – Electronics Recycling Legislation Needs Your support Now!

Lars Lawson

HB 1589 – Electronics Recycling Legislation

This important issue requires your action today, Monday, April 13.

We need your help now to ensure that HB 1589, Electronics Recycling, authored by State Representative Mary Ann Sullivan and State Senator Beverly Gard, becomes law!

Indiana citizens are concerned about the growing problem of electronic waste (e.Scrap) and the urgent need for more and better electronics recycling programs in Indiana.

Let your Senator know that you support HB 1589.

The Problem

  1. 1.2 million computers and TVs are discarded by Hoosiers annually.

  2. At least 4 pounds of lead is contained in each old computer monitor or television.

  3. There are at least 5 toxic materials found in today’s electronic devices.

  4. There are at least 8 serious health effects of these toxins.

HB 1589 will result in vastly improved electronics recycling infrastructure in Indiana.

How does HB 1589 help solve the e.Scrap problem?

— HB 1589 places some responsibility on manufacturers of toxic e.Scrap to establish electronics collection and recycling programs throughout Indiana.

— As a result, this bill will strengthen the electronics recycling infrastructure in Indiana, thus creating new green jobs.

Take Action Now

Please tell your State Senator that this bill is a win-win for Indiana’s environment and our economy.

Please act on Monday, April 13!   Email your Senator or call their office to express your support for HB 1589.

To confirm your State Senator and their contact information, click here and type in your zip code.

For additional information about the electronics recycling (e.Scrap) issue, please go to the IRC’s e.Scrap resource website.


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