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March 2014

Lars Lawson

Updated: Sep 15, 2021

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Dear Friends,

As the snow fell this January and February, the IRC was at the Statehouse working with our allies week after long week to advance landmark recycling legislation, HB 1183.  Here is our news release hot off the press about the passage of this legislation.

We are grateful to Governor Pence for his support and wish to especially thank Dan Schmidt, Governor Pence’s Policy Director for Energy, Environment, Transportation and Gaming for leading the charge to pass HB 1183.  Dan pushed forward the Governor’s pro-recycling agenda – convening stakeholders, gathering data, providing testimony and doggedly advancing a new state recycling goal and data reporting requirements – earning our gratitude and respect along the way.

We also want to thank State Representative Wolkins and State Senator Charbonneau for their leadership, shepherding this bill through the process and providing new legislative leadership working to grow Indiana’s recycling industry.

Finally, we want to thank all of you who emailed your legislators or otherwise assisted this legislation, including those of you who support the IRC as members, donors and/or volunteers.  Please know each of you were part of this successful advocacy effort!

We will celebrate the passage of HB 1183 during our conference in June.  We are very excited about the conference agenda – it is shaping up to be packed with timely, exciting new topics to help those advancing recycling in communities and businesses, those interested in hot policy topics, industry representatives looking for a great B to B networking opportunity, and much more.  Details are available here.

Sustainably yours,


Carey Hamilton

Executive Director


We are pleased to announce that Myles Cohen, President of Pratt Industries, will be joining us to deliver the keynote address at the Conference

Myles is responsible for Pratt’s network of recycling plants throughout the USA, as well as leading Pratt Industries’ “close-the-loop” initiative to achieve their zero-landfill goals through improved recycling and waste-to-energy solutions.  Be sure to join uson Wednesday, June 4th, to hear his presentation, “Recycling to be Turbocharged in Indiana.”

The Pitch

Call for presenters! Quick Pitch Idea Battle

Do you have an idea to reduce waste? We want to hear it!

Whether you’re an artist re-purposing materials, a composting farmer, an innovative entrepreneur, a zero-waste minimalist or just someone with a great idea, we want to hear from you.

After a successful launch in 2013, we are hosting The Pitch once again atbreakfast on June 5, Thursday morning of the Conference. Presenters will deliver short, 6 minute ideas (in the same vein as Pecha Kucha), and the audience will then vote on their favorite idea. The winner will receive two tickets to the IRC’s 25th anniversary gala, November 2014.

Not in the recycling industry? Don’t worry. All that matters is that you have a great idea. Anyone chosen to participate in The Pitch will also receive a pass to attend the conference on the day of The Pitch.  Be quick, be creative, be influential, and the prize could be yours. Ready to pitch?

WineFest Recap: IRC Recycles 1/4+ ton of glass!

Last weekend the IRC provided glass bottle recycling for the 15th Annual WFYI WineFest. Over 60 wineries were in attendance at this unique fundraising event. Nearly 700 empty wine bottles were collected, resulting in a collection of 750 pounds of glass! That is equivalent to 3,420 glasses of wine imbibed.

Thanks to our generous sponsor, Strategic Materials for transporting and recycling the glass and to all of our wonderful volunteers.

recycle mania

The 13th Annual RecycleMania Tournament is here!

This year, 8 Indiana universities and colleges are competing for the RecycleMania title. Leading the Grand Champion category is Franklin College, at a rate of nearly 45% of students recycling! The winner will be announced April 11th, so stay tuned.

Visit the RecycleMania website for more information.

AmazonSmile: Shop for a Cause!

The next time you shop online, please be sure to visit

Amazon will contribute 0.5% of your total purchase price to the IRC every time you shop.

What is AmazonSmile?

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. You can choose from nearly one million organizations to support.

How do I shop at AmazonSmile?

To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You may also want to add a bookmark to AmazonSmile to make it even easier to return and start your shopping at AmazonSmile.

Can I use my existing account on AmazonSmile?

Yes, you use the same account on and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same.

Thanks again for supporting the IRC!

Jack Johnson and IRC’s Matching Donation Campaign

Announcing our Partnership with All At Once and the 2014 Jack Johnson From Here To Now To You Tour!

The IRC is teaming up with Jack Johnson on his 2014 From Here To Now To You Tour and All At Once, a social action network connecting nonprofits with people who want to become active in their local and world community. All At Once comes to life online at and at the Jack Johnson concerts where you can get educated, get inspired, and connect face-to-face with us and other local and national non-profits.

The IRC will be hanging out June 1st at The Lawn at White River State Park before the show, so make sure to visit our table!

ALSO, Donate today and your donation will be matched by the Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation through September 1st, up to a total of $2,500. Please remember to indicate the money is for “All At Once” in the donation form.

 Interested in being listed in our Member Directory? Email Danni to include or update your listing.

Complete a Home Energy Assessment and Energizing Indiana will donate $25 to Indiana Recycling Coalition!

For every supporter who signs up and completes a Home Energy Assessment, Energizing Indiana will give our organization $25! Home Energy Assessments help raise your home’s performance, lower energy bills, improve in-home air quality and increase your home’s value.The energy advisor will install energy efficient CFLs, faucet aerators and showerhead(s), as well as a water heater pipe installation.

Once your home’s energy assessment is complete, you will receive a comprehensive report detailing what can be done to start saving energy and make your home more comfortable.  Energizing Indiana programs are funded by utility rates and there are no separate fees to participate.

Once your assessment is complete, Energizing Indiana will donate $25 to the IRC!

Indiana Recycling Coalition’s organization number is: IRCI06082012.

or call 1-888-446-7750 to schedule your assessment!

Forward this message to family and friends, encouraging them to participate and raise funds for our organization too.

Are you ready for

Earth Day?

Join us at White River State Park for the Earth Day Indiana celebration!

The IRC is proud to sponsor the 2014 Earth Day Indiana outdoor festival! Over 130 exhibitors in attendance, combined with live music, activities for the kids and good food. It is sure to be a rollicking good time.

Visit us on Saturday April 26th from 11-4 at White River State Park for food, fun and fresh air!

Interested in underwriting Earth Day Indiana? Want to help out? Visit the site to learn how to get involved.

Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. EST on Friday, April 18, 2014.

The Indiana Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence recognize exemplary projects across Indiana. Projects must demonstrate significant and measurable results, be innovative, comprehensive and documented.

For more information, the nomination cover page form, and guidance on how to apply, visit the IDEM Web site at

Who Can Apply? 

The awards are open to all Indiana facilities, state and local units of government, individuals, and technical assistance organizations that operate or support environmental protection efforts of outstanding quality. Eligible technical assistance organizations include, but are not limited to,  public entities; trade associations; individuals; and, public interest, community, educational, and labor groups.Qualifications

Nominated projects/facilities must be: located in Indiana; focused on significant environmental protection activity; able to provide at least a year of quantifiable results; innovative; voluntary; in compliance with environmental health and safety laws; and, willing to share information with others via state publications or Web sites.

Submit your nomination now!

Deadline is April 18, 2014. Go to

March Webinar 

Scrap Tire Markets Update

An industry expert will provide an update on the state of scrap tire recycling market in the U.S. and the existing and developing uses of scrap tires. 

Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2014uesday, March 18, 2014

Time: 1:30-2:45PM EST30-2:45PM EST

Cost: FREE

Carton Council

Carton Council Works  to Build Recycling

 Access in Indiana.

Do you know that many Indiana communities can add cartons now, increase recycling volumes, and inform residents to include this item to their program? 

Cartons continue to be added to recycling programs across the country, and there is plenty of opportunity in Indiana.

Are there end markets for cartons? Yes! The fiber in cartons is a high value commodity so there is not only demand for recovered cartons, but established end markets. Markets are both global and domestic with twelve North American mills, including mills in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa and West Virginia.

Are there Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) in Indiana with carton recycling right now? Yes! One of the more recent additions is Ray’s Trash Service, Indianapolis. Discussions are also in progress with MRFs that have expressed interest in adding cartons.

What if my local MRF does not currently accept cartons? Even if local infrastructure is not yet in place, think outside your immediate area to make it happen. MRFs source materials from multi-state markets, and not just from communities bordering neighboring states either. Smaller MRFs may transfer whole or partial loads to larger capacity MRFs who are in need of carton volumes to ship to markets.  Ask your hauler to confirm with the MRF if your community’s materials are sent to a facility that currently recovers cartons.

For more information, visit or for MRF operators contact Kristina Kaar at or (734) 478-6125

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